Studia I i II stopnia w języku angielskim

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Logistics, studia stacjonarne I stopnia

Jednostka organizacyjna Wydział Nauk Społecznych
Kierunek studiów Logistics
Forma studiów Stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia Pierwszego stopnia
Profil studiów ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
Godziny otwarcia sekretariatu informacje na stronie głównej programu IRK
Adres WWW
Wymagany dokument
  • Matury
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Obecnie nie trwają zapisy.

(pokaż minione tury)

Study field description

 Logistics studies of the first degree prepare the graduates to work in logistics and production entities, in design and consulting units in the field of logistics and in public institutions in positions requiring logistic and managerial competence. They also have a basis for starting and running their own business. Graduates are prepared to undertake second-level studies and continue their lifelong learning.

 Upon completion of studies in semester two, students choose one of two optional modules included in the curriculum.

 Within the framework of optional module 1, subjects including issues of management of logistics centres, transport infrastructure and production, supply and distribution processes are realized.

 Optional module 2 includes subjects concerning broadly understood logistic orientation in management of various types of economic units.

 The University reserves the right not to open a department  or specialty when the number of accepted candidates is too low.


Terms of recruitment

Candidate’s final result is a sum of points obtained during secondary school final examinations in two subjects chosen from the following list(from the ones as follows): geography, history, IT, English, maths, social studies. On registering in the IRK system (the Internet Recruitment for Candidates System ) the candidate indicates subjects which should be considered for calculating points.

Admission procedure for candidates with 'new" matura examinations certificate (from 2005 to 2022)

Admission is based on the result from the written examinations calculated  into points as follows:

• percentage points gained from the subject taken at a basic level where 1% equals 0,5 point or

• percentage points gained from the subject taken at an extended where 1% equals 1 point.

In relation to the above, a candidate may obtain no more than 100 points from one subject. The ‘zwolniony’ (‘exempt’) record on the matura certificate obtained in the external examinations equals to a maximum number of points.

Admission procedure for candidates with "old" matura examinations certificate

Admission is based on the marks from the written and oral examinations calculated  into points as follows:

- 6,0 – 100 points

- 5,0 – 90 points 

- 4,0 – 70 points 

- 3,0 – 50 points 

- 2,0 – 30 points 

 The final grade for the subject is calculated according to the rule: result x 0.8.

Admission procedure for candidates with foreign secondary school (maturity) certificate

After candidate’s submission of required documents, the admission board calculates the points/results from the chosen subject taken during the maturity examination, separately for each candidate on the basis of the grading system used valid in the candidate’s country of origin.

The way of calculating the points obtained during the foreign maturity examination is adjusted to the assessment and points calculation system of candidates who took the examination in Poland. 

Exemptions from admission procedure 

Central level laureates and finalists of the following contests:

  • Olimpiady Informatycznej,
  • Olimpiady Logistycznej,
  • Olimpiady Matematycznej,
  • Olimpiady Przedsiębiorczości,
  • Olimpiady Spedycyjno-Logistycznej,
  • Olimpiady Wiedzy Ekonomicznej,
  • Olimpiady Wiedzy o Polsce i Świecie Współczesnym,
  • Olimpiady Wiedzy o Społeczeństwie.

Announcement of results

The results of the recruitment will be available in the IRK account of each registered candidate.

Required documents

A list of documents required can be downloaded here.

A candidate is obliged to submit all the paper-based documents by the due date. Failure to do so will be understood as a resignation from applying for the study  programme. The documents need to be submitted to Centralny Punkt Obsługi Kandydata - Central  Service Point for Candidates; time and date as specified on the IRK website.

Additional information for candidates

A tuition fee is required.