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National security, studia stacjonarne II stopnia

Organizational unit Wydział Nauk Społecznych
Field of studies National security
Form of studies Full-time
Level of education Second cycle
Educational profile academic
Language(s) of instruction English
Duration 2 lata
Office opening hours informacje na stronie głównej programu IRK
WWW address
Required document
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Study field description

Second degree studies in the field of national security are addressed to graduates of the first degree studies of the humanities, social and natural sciences as well as officers' higher schools who want to acquire or deepen their knowledge of the broadly understood issues of national security.


  • state security,
  • competitive intelligence.


The studies are addressed to graduates of the first degree studies in the humanities, social and natural sciences as well as officers’ higher schools.

Description of the specialties:

A graduate of the specialty in state security will acquire extended knowledge in the field of: political, military, economic and social security; the subject and scope of national security and its threats; security and defense policies and strategies of the state, defense systems of European countries; functioning of the armed forces and security culture.

A graduate of the competitive intelligence specialty will acquire skills in obtaining and analyzing information and using it for competitive intelligence.

 The University reserves the right not to open a department or specialty when the number of accepted candidates is too low.

Admission procedure

Candidates applying for admission to a second-cycle study programme must be holders of a diploma of higher education.  

The selection of candidates is conducted based on:


- a diploma grade  in the case of graduates of the same or related field of study;




an interview covering major subjects appropriate for the udergraduate degree programme in National Security in the case of candidates with a degree in other fields of study. 

The following grading scale is applied: very good (5), good plus (4+), good (4), satisfactory plus (3+), satisfactory (3), unsatisfactory (a failing grade) (2). The candidate who gets a failing grade in the interview cannot be admitted.


Announcement of results

 The results of the recruitment will be available in the IRK account of each registered candidate. 

Required documents

Having registered in the IRK system, the candidate is obliged to submit all the required paper-based documents. Failure to do so will be understood as a resignation from applying for the study  programme, despite a valid registration and paying the required application fee. The documents need to be submitted to Centralny Punkt Obsługi Kandydata (the Central Service Point for Candidates) - time and date as specified on the IRK website.

 A list of documents required can be downloaded here.

Addidional information for candidates

     A tuition fee is required.

  Example interview topics 

  1. Tasks of the state administration in the area of national security
  2. Institutions of legal protection in Poland
  3. States of emergency in Poland
  4. Systems of government in democratic countries
  5. Tasks and competences of public authorities, institutions, services and inspections in crisis situations
  6. Uniformed services in the Republic of Poland - types, features, tasks
  7. The concept and specificity of the state's military power
  8. Peaceful ways of solving international disputes
  9. The concept and objectives of the Polish security policy
  10. Evolution of the strategy of Polish security policy after 1989
  11. The essence and typology of threats to national security
  12. Phases of crisis management
  13. Critical infrastructure
  14. Institutions of the European Union in the field of internal security
  15. Threats, goals, implementation of the external dimension of the European Union's security policy